ClubManager 365
Online pitch booking systems for GAA clubs
So you're looking after the club pitch allocations?
It's time for your first big decision - How will you do it?
As focal point for all emails, texts and phone calls from the different sections, your Pitches Administrator can soon become overwhelmed and a bottleneck in the pitch booking process.
Who uses our online booking?
The GAA sports are currently benefitting from using our system
Our Numbers
Match Results
Facility Bookings
Just a few Irish sports clubs that we've worked with so far..
Clubs and players love using our online systems, but don't just take our word for it!
Exceptional value for money. Huge admin reductions across many of our clubs.
Choose from one of our plans
The full range of options for what your club needs right now and down the line.
from as little as:
Simple, fixed slot pitch booking systems for GAA clubs of all sizes. Ex Vat.
starting at:
Flexible booking systems with half pitch booking and extendible half hour slots. Ex Vat.
Choose any package plus one or more from the options below. Contact us for a custom quote for any items not priced
No setup costs.. No hardware required.. Get the club pitches online within 24 hours!
What Does It Look Like?
Calendar examples from our modern and intuitive booking system
Getting Set Up
Making things easier at your club starts right now!
Contact us and we automatically create you an online demo - take a look around or give us some details of what you need. We can set up demo exactly how you want it.
A simple spreadsheet of names and email addresses of team managers is usually all that is needed to get your club live. We will create user accounts for you.
Set the first bookable date, let the club members know and you are good to go - it really is that simple! We only send out login details to players once you are ready.